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Experimental GED re structure <bib id="BaseCEJ2019" />

Anti conformer

55% @ 407 K (theor.) <jmol>


26 anti C -0.4312683403 -0.8762232838 0.0256372239 C -0.4312683403 0.8762232838 -0.0256372239 B -0.0179921947 0.0399704063 1.4123781231 B 0.8896409597 -1.4180997167 0.9271248921 B 0.8904582720 -1.4655260890 -0.8480429637 B -0.0179921947 -0.0399704063 -1.4123781231 B 1.7512263977 -0.0389206197 -1.4407701707 B 2.3202763233 -0.8857061916 0.0244420361 B 1.7512263977 0.0389206197 1.4407701707 B 0.8904582720 1.4655260890 0.8480429637 B 0.8896409597 1.4180997167 -0.9271248921 B 2.3202763233 0.8857061916 -0.0244420361 H -0.8048466080 0.0665348103 2.2983341412 H 0.7220440596 -2.4068582962 1.5611621849 H 0.7204303234 -2.4869084994 -1.4263910215 H -0.8048466080 -0.0665348103 -2.2983341412 H 2.3282927169 -0.0660069531 -2.4799556778 H 3.3163188087 -1.5319845344 0.0419325971 H 2.3282927169 0.0660069531 2.4799556778 H 0.7204303234 2.4869084994 1.4263910215 H 0.7220440596 2.4068582962 -1.5611621849 H 3.3163188087 1.5319845344 -0.0419325971 S -1.9761276295 -1.7027998605 -0.0414137085 H -2.1822018693 -1.7291777949 1.2832104591 S -1.9761276295 1.7027998605 0.0414137085 H -2.1822018693 1.7291777949 -1.2832104591



Syn conformer

35% @ 407 K (theor.) <jmol>


26 syn C -0.4307501437 0.8786801401 -0.0174023226 C -0.4307501437 -0.8786801401 -0.0174023226 B -0.0014819959 -0.0000000000 -1.4257844805 B 0.8999955013 1.4437884558 -0.8879556732 B 0.8816362423 1.4421099205 0.8886362716 B -0.0377195532 0.0000000000 1.4023797808 B 1.7382469748 0.0000000000 1.4533624150 B 2.3214371547 0.8863177672 0.0160959930 B 1.7694810580 0.0000000000 -1.4346421345 B 0.8999955013 -1.4437884558 -0.8879556732 B 0.8816362423 -1.4421099205 0.8886362716 B 2.3214371547 -0.8863177672 0.0160959930 H -0.7750300096 -0.0000000000 -2.3213510042 H 0.7388441469 2.4482317432 -1.4976877879 H 0.7054047154 2.4465158477 1.4922684244 H -0.8366010894 -0.0000000000 2.2744543366 H 2.3015711645 0.0000000000 2.4957545815 H 3.3165035477 1.5325343386 0.0255701891 H 2.3539278952 0.0000000000 -2.4657070886 H 0.7388441469 -2.4482317432 -1.4976877879 H 0.7054047154 -2.4465158477 1.4922684244 H 3.3165035477 -1.5325343386 0.0255701891 S -1.9804340605 1.7029179764 0.0416400477 H -2.0928652091 1.8729770449 -1.2831802663 S -1.9804340605 -1.7029179764 0.0416400477 H -2.0928652091 -1.8729770449 -1.2831802663

